
Thursday, 21 August 2014

Four Evaluation Questions


 "Throughout my blog I have highlighted which posts you have done will help support your evaluation questions. It is essential, before answering these questions, that you look back over your blog and use these posts to discuss audience, branding, marketing, technology, theorists on these subjects etc. This will definitely steer you towards a much higher grade than simply trying to answer the question straight away. Don't be afraid to repeat what you wrote in earlier posts - these posts were here to help inform your evaluation questions, so use them and the resources in them again if it helps support your answers.

The Evaluation is worth 20% of your final mark for the Advanced Portfolio.  The criteria to achieve a Level 4 are:

·      There is excellent skill in the use of digital technology or ICT in the evaluation.
·      There is excellent understanding of the forms and conventions used in the productions.
·      There is excellent understanding of the role and use of new media in various stages of the production.
·      There is excellent understanding of the combination of main product and ancillary texts.
·      There is excellent understanding of the significance of audience feedback.
·      There is excellent skill in choice of form in which to present the evaluation.
·      There is excellent ability to communicate.

As per last year, you should present your evaluation as a blog entry.  You are marked on how you use the blog format.  Try to use the format in a creative way, e.g. through combining text, images, videos, links, audio, etc.
The teacher must allocate a mark according to the contribution/level of understanding demonstrated by the individual candidate. Each candidate should give a clear indication of their role in any group evaluation 

Look at other students' work at the end of this post to see what they did to get an 'A' grade.

Audience Feedback
Before you begin your evaluation question 3 you will need to get feedback from your target audience on what they think about your products.  You could use a questionnaire and/or a focus group to do this.

The Questions
You will need to address the following four questions in your evaluation:

1.     In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2.     How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
3.     What have you learned from your audience feedback?
4.     How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

1.     Conventions 

In this section you need to identify the conventions of the media forms you have produced.  Include links to videos, and images to support the points you make.

You will need to explain whether you followed conventions or broke them.  You may want to think about conventions in relation to elements such as camerawork, editing, and mise-en-scene (particularly choice of settings, costume, and props).  In your discussion explain why you followed or broke conventions, and what your intended effect on the audience was.  Stills or video clips from your own production should be used to support the points you make. 

You should also discuss your use of conventions in relation to the ancillary products.
Could the Skype call we had with Ryan help support your answer here? If so embed the footage and discuss how he informed you as to the conventions of promos. Equally, it might be that the Skype call to Ian promoted conventions - listen to both interviews and see if there were any particular moments that you can quote. 

If you were feeling particularly smart you could discuss the theorists we explored and state (in brief) how you met with the conventions as outlined by (Goodwin for example) in order to meet the specifications of the brief. Working to a clear structure or basis of understanding from the premise of theorsits you might well have found to be a good starting point in the creation of your products. The result being that the final products, due to predominantly meeting the expectations of the target audience through the conventions of the genre, were deemed to be thoroughly successful.

2. Combination of Main and Ancillary Tasks   

Consider how the three products are integrated – is there continuity in use of images, colours, fonts, etc.?  What effect does this have?  Have you created a brand identity for your product? 
Your package of products is intended to market a specific product e.g. an album.  How effectively does the package market the products? 

Did you use a combination of clothing, props, location, tone of voice (words used in promo similar to wording on ancillary products?), visuals, shots sizes, colour correction, typography etc to help make the products seem as one?

Consider Ian Haughton's advice from the Skype call we made - add this into your answer (it would be good to embed the Skype call in your webtool), make sure you quote him and say how he helped inform your products. Take stills of specific areas in your products to show how you considered his views on branding key to developing the combination of your Main and ancillary tasks. Ian talked a lot about the importance of typogtaphy - this could be an area you explore when relating his advice to your products. Did you look at any design magazines to consider style as I discussed on my blog and provided links to? If you did add links to these - I particularly like wallpaper design magazine as a source for inspiration.

How does the magazine you have selected to have your digipack advert in help reinforce the overall look and feel of your products ie does the target audience of the magazine and the style of the magazine reinforce your products and the genre of music you have selected?

Consider the use of different media and how this may help you appeal to your target audience.  Discuss where your poster/s would be placed and why, and consider where your film would be seen.  Links to relevant websites or scanned images could be used to support the points you make.  A comparison of your package to a similar promotional package may be useful.

Did you use Facebook or QR codes to help the audience link all your products together - if so write about this. 

Discuss the photography workshop you did with Mrs Robinson, the photography teacher, so that you could learn through the images you took and the lighting you set-up, how to create a seemless image between all of your products.

These two students' blogs are helpful for this question with respect to the webtools they have selected:!question-2/c17ck

3. Audience Feedback 

I think it important to refer back to the posts on audience you created and discuss why an understanding of audience is crucial to any product that is to be marketed. You could also discuss the theorists we looked at and state how they reinforced the importance of really getting to know who you target audience are.

Discuss why it is import to discuss/analyse the findings of your audience feedback.  Try to be creative in how you present this.  Consider filming a focus group, scanning in completed questionnaires (Survey Monkey is a good resource), and producing graphs. You could also put your film and ancillary task on Facebook or other new media sites to gain feedback. Make sure you ask pertinent questions that will really help you evaluate how effective your product has been. Be sure if you film a focus group that the people you ask are able to discuss your products in a concise, developed and mature way. Sometimes it is good to ask teachers to be in focus groups as they ensure well thought through and leveled responses.

You should discuss how effectively you have appealed to your target audience based on the feedback you have received.  Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your product identified by audience feedback. Did the audience recognise the genre of your products based on the conventions you used?

Do you sincerely think your products have improved due to continually assessing and re-assessing their significance to your audience? Take screen shots to show the improvements to make your point. Remember, all screen shots MUST have annotations. You were asked to create first and second drafts of all your products so this is where you can show them.

All your drafts and evidence of feedback should be put in with your answer to this question. Choose a webtool that will help support showing these different visuals

4. Technologies             

I think the best way to answer this question is to create sub-headings consisting of Research, Planning, Production and Post-production and discuss each technology at each stage in the process. This will be an easier way for you to remember what you used, how you used it and how it was beneficial or not. It will also create a clearer sense of journey.

Consider your specific role in production - eg if you were the editor how did the technologies you use help support your role?

You will need to evaluate your use of media technologies throughout your coursework.  How useful was the blog format?  What were the strengths and weaknesses?  Did using the blog allow you to conduct your research and planning more effectively?  How important was the internet to your research? Discuss your use of video equipment and editing software – evaluate the process of using these technologies – discuss the benefits of moving from a Canon Legria camcorder to a Canon 700D. Discuss how you played your music so the artist could lip sync to it . You may want to include screen grabs to show how you used programmes to produce your work, and what the technology allowed you to do.
Be sure to discuss all webtools you used – even Skype – as it helped you interview industry professionals.
Add any photographs you took along the way to help answer this question and highlight points you are making.
Discuss old and new technology - when did you use old technology and when new (the magazine advert would be new) - what were the benefits of one opposed to the other?You could also briefly mention Andrew Gauntlett the media theorist here who discussed web 2.0 and old and new technology.
A good summary would be to state how using more and new technologies throughout the year has helped turn you from a media consumer to a media producer or even as Gauntlett states a PROSUMER

The final deadline for your coursework is two weeks after you return in January.  All work must be completed and uploaded to the blog by that date.  Your work will be assessed, your mark will be recorded and sent to the exam board.

Examples of Other Students’ Evaluations

Go to the OCR Weebly site and see what other students did for their evaluation questions. Candidate 'G' got the highest grade for her evaluation questions - make sure you read the examiners comments for each candidate in the Scribd document below so you learn from the mistakes of these students.
This student got an A* for her coursework - have a look at how she goes about answering the questions.

This student got 16/20 for their evaluation
Examiner’s Comments:
Uses a variety of approaches to answer the four set questions, embedded video commentaries, comparative images and analysis Uses ICT fairly proficiently but the font size is rather small, the layout slightly untidy)
Questions are clearly labelled and tagged for ease of navigation but are slightly less developed than the initial impact suggests.
Audience feedback question could have linked to the entry on the blog showing the questions and graphs, for example.
The clip art doesn’t add much value and the use of screen shots in the technology question was somewhat descriptive.

This student got 16/20 for their evaluation

Examiner’s Comments:
Each question is a separate entry. It makes excellent use of different aspects of ICT in each answer: embedded sound files, links and images, Facebook, Slideshare although the answers are a little underdeveloped for a high level 4

This student got 16/20 for their evaluation


Examiner’s Comments:
Each question is answered separately on the blog and by a variety of techniques demonstrating some excellence in the use of ICT. It includes text, embedded video including excellent use of director’s commentary, embedded image, links to comparative text; Photobucket

Overall Examiner Feedback for Student Evaluations in 2013

The vast majority of evaluation responses clearly addressed the four set questions and used a variety of digital techniques to creatively demonstrate their understanding.
It has been shown by a number of schools that best practice is to ask candidates to use a different presentation method for each answer to totally avoid the use of essay prose and to fully exploit the potential of each presentation method.
Many Prezis were problematic, candidates writing far too little to demonstrate their
understanding, ignoring the platform’s multimedia capability etc; a handful of Prezis were
exciting and insightful. The illustrated video, making use of cutaways, voiceover and
screen recording, remained a solid option, and generally led to greater depth than a Prezi or a text and image only blog post. However, there were some really inventive formats used with excellence eg, storybird, vuvox, animoto, Kizoa,issuu, Screenr. Equally there was some excellent use of PPT and Prezi with embedded video/ images and other formats. Some candidates presented their whole evaluation within Prezi (with each question answered in a different format, embedded within the Prezi).
Commentaries were usually much better than in previous sessions with insert images and videos to illustrate the points made in the commentaries. However, some candidates still waffled to their webcam sometimes for 25 minutes for each question - usually excellent communication skills can be demonstrated by being concise!
Go Animate was rarely used effectively.
There were some outstanding evaluations where candidates had clearly given a great deal of thought into how to present their work. In one case this included parodies of the ‘The Weakest Link’to outline audience feedback, and a cooking show outlining the ingredients of new technology which went into creating the dish that was the coursework. We are not advising other schools to copy theseapproaches -but we do recommend real consideration of creativity which responding to the set questions.
The best examples used screen shots or screen captures to show progress when using the software and,for example, used before and after images to display their editing skills.
Q3 was often weak –with candidates’ friends telling them how well they have done. This doesn’t allow them to reflect on and evaluate their feedback.

TASK: Also go to OCR Weebly and look at the responses on this site to the evaluation questions. It is my bug bare that they don't provide resources graded any higher than 17/20 but at least you can see what students have done and get more of an idea as to how you can excel beyond this.

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